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List of CPT Codes for Anesthesia Procedures & Services, Including Modifiers

The Current Procedural Terminology code set is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association through the CPT Editorial Panel. The CPT code set is copyright protected by the AMA.

Anesthesia CPT Code Ranges

Area of the Body

CPT Code Range





Thorax (chest wall and shoulder girdle)




Spine and Spinal Cord


Upper Abdomen


Lower Abdomen




Pelvis (except hip)


Upper Leg (except knee)


Knee and Popliteal Area


Lower Leg (below knee, including ankle and foot)


Shoulder and Axilla


Upper Arm and Elbow


Forearm, Wrist and Hand


Radiological Procedure


Burn Excisions or Debridement




Other Procedure



Anesthesia CPT Codes

00100 salivary gland
00102 repair of cleft lip
00103 blepharoplasty
00104 electroshock
00120 ear surgery

00124 ear exam
00126 tympanotomy
00140 procedures on eye
00142 lens surgery
00144 corneal transplant
00145 vitreoretinal surgery
00147 iridectomy
00148 eye exam
00160 nose/sinus surgery
00162 radical nose/sinus surgery
00164 biopsy of nose
00170 intraoral surgery
00172 cleft palate repair
00174 pharyngeal surgery
00176 radical intraoral surgery
00190 face/skull bone surgery
00192 radical facial bone/skull surgery
00210 cranial surgery
00211 cran surg, hemotoma
00212 skull drainage
00214 skull drainage
00215 skull repair/fract
00216 head vessel surgery
00218 intracranial procedures in sitting position
00220 cerebrospinal fluid shunting procedures
00222 intracranial nerve surgery

00300 head/neck/ptrunk
00320 neck organ, 1 & over 0
00322 biopsy of thyroid 0
00326 larynx/trach, < 1 yr
00350 neck vessel surgery
00352 simple ligation neck vessel

Thorax (Chest Wall and Shoulder Girdle)
00400 skin, ext/per/atrunk
00402 reconst px on breast
00404 rad or mod rad px on breast
00406 rad or mod rad px on breast w/ mammary node dissection
00410 electrical conversion of arrhythmias
00450 px on clavicle & scapula NOS
00454 biopsy of clavicle, sternum or ribs
00470 partial rib resection NOS
00472 rib resection; thoracoplasty (any type)
00474 partial rib resection; radical e.g. pectus excavatum

00500 esophageal surgery
00520 closed chest procedures
00522 chest lining biopsy
00524 chest drainage
00528 chest partition view w/o 1 lung vent
00529 chest partition w/ 1 lung vent
00530 pacemaker insertion
00532 vascular access
00534 cardioverter/defib
00537 cardiac electrophys
00539 trach-bronch reconst
00540 chest surgery
00541 one lung ventilation
00542 release of lung?
00546 lung,chest wall surg
00548 trachea,bronchi surg?
00550 sternal debridement
00560 heart surg w/o pump
00561 heart surgery w/ pump < age 1
00562 anesth hrt surg w/pmp age 1+
00563 heart Surg W/Arrest
00566 cabg w/o pump
00567 cabg w/pump
00580 heart/lung transplant

Spine/Spinal Cord
00600 cervical spine, cord surgery
00604 cervical spine and cord surgery in sitting position
00620 thoracic spine, cord surgery
00625 thoracic spine, cord surgery transthoracic w/o 1 lung vent
00626 thoracic spine, cord surgery transthoracic w/ 1 lung vent
00630 lumbar spine, cord surgery
00632 removal of nerves
00635 lumbar puncture
00640 spine manipulation or closed procedures on spine
00670 extensive spine, cord surgery

Upper Abdomen
00700 upper anterior abdominal wall surgery
00702 percutaneous liver biopsy
00730 upper posterior abdominal wall surgery
00731 anesthesia for upper gi endoscopic procedures, endoscope introduced proximal to duodenum; not otherwise specified
00732 ERCP
00750 repair of hernia
00752 repair lumbar and ventral hernia
00754 omphalocele
00756 transabdominal repair diaphragmatic hernia
00770 blood vessel repair
00790 surgery upper abdomen
00792 hemorr/excise liver
00794 pancreas removal
00796 for liver transplant 0
00797 surgery for obesity

Lower Abdomen
00800 lower anterior abdominal surgery
00802 fat layer removal
00811 anesthesia for lower intestinal endoscopic procedures, endoscope introduced distal to duodenum; not otherwise specified
00812 screening colonoscopy
00813 anesthesia for combined upper and lower gi endoscopic procedures, endoscope introduced both proximal to and distal to the duodenum
00820 lower posterior abdominal surgery
00830 repair of hernia
00832 repair ventral and incisional hernia
00834 hernia repair<  1 yr 00836 anesth hernia repair preemie
00840 surgery lower abdomen
00842 amniocentesis
00844 pelvis surgery
00846 radical hysterectomy
00848 pelvic organ surgery
00851 tubal ligation
00860 surgery of abdomen
00862 kidney/ureter surgery
00864 removal of bladder
00865 removal of prostate
00866 removal of adrenal
00868 kidney transplant
00870 bladder stone surgery
00872 kidney stone destruction w/ water bath
00873 kidney stone destruction w/o water bath
00880 abdomen vessel surgery
00882 major vein ligation

00902 anorectal
00904 radical perineal surgery
00906 removal of vulva
00908 removal of prostate
00910 bladder surgery
00912 bladder tumor surgery
00914 removal of prostate
00916 bleeding control
00918 stone removal
00920 male genitalia surgery
00921 vasectomy
00922 sperm duct surgery
00924 testis exploration
00926 radical orchiectomy, inguinal
00928 radical orchiectomy, abdominal
00930 testis suspension
00932 amputation of penis
00934 penis, nodes removal
00936 penis, nodes removal
00938 insert penis device
00940 vaginal procedures
00942 surgery on vag/urethral
00944 vaginal hysterectomy
00948 repair of cervix
00950 vaginal endoscopy
00952 hysteroscope/graph

01112 bone aspirate/bx
01120 pelvis surgery
01130 body cast procedure
01140 amputation at pelvis 0
01150 pelvic tumor surgery
01160 closed pelvis procedure
01170 open pelvis surgery
01173 fx repair, pelvis 

Upper Leg
01200 closed hip joint procedure
01202 arthroscopy of hip
01210 open hip joint surgery
01212 hip disarticulation
01214 hip arthroplasty
01215 revise hip repair
01220 closed femur procedure, upper 2/3
01230 surgery of femur upper 2/3
01232 amputation of femur
01234 radical femur surgery
01250 procedures on nerve, muscles, tendon, fascia and bursae of upper leg
01260 all procedures on veins of upper leg
01270 all procedures on arteries of upper leg
01272 artery ligation
01274 artery embolectomy

01320 procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons, fascia, and bursae of knee and/or popliteal area 01340 closed procedures on femur, lower 1/3
01360 open surgery on femur lower 1/3
01380 knee joint procedure
01382 dx knee arthroscopy
01390 closed procedure upper ends tibia, fibula and/or patella
01392 open surgery on upper ends of tibia, fibula, and/or patella
01400 arthroscopic knee joint surgery
01402 knee arthroplasty
01404 amputation at knee
01420 knee joint casting
01430 knee veins surgery
01432 knee vessel surgery
01440 knee arteries surgery
01442 knee artery surgery
01444 knee artery repair

01462 closed procedure on lower leg, ankle, foot
01464 ankle/ft arthroscopy
01470 procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons, and fascia of lower leg, ankle, foot
01472 achilles tendon surgery
01474 lower leg surgery
01480 open procedures on bones of lower leg, ankle, foot
01482 radical leg surgery
01484 lower leg revision
01486 ankle replacement
01490 lower leg casting
01500 leg arteries surgery
01502 lower leg embolectomy
01520 lower leg vein surgery
01522 lower leg thrombectomy

01610 procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons, fascia, and bursae of shoulder and axilla
01620 closed procedure on shoulder
01622 anes dx shoulder arthro
01630 open or surgical arthroscopic procedures on shoulder joint
01634 shoulder disarticulation
01636 forequarter amput
01638 shoulder replacement
01650 shoulder artery surgery
01652 shoulder vessel surgery
01654 shoulder vessel surgery
01656 arm-leg vessel surgery
01670 shoulder vein surgery
01680 shoulder casting

Upper Arm/Elbow
01710 procedures on nerves muscles, tendons, fascia, and bursae of upper arm and elbow
01712 upper arm tendon surgery
01714 upper arm tendon surgery
01716 biceps tendon repair
01730 closed procedures on humerus and elbow
01732 dx elbow arthroscopy
01740 open or arthroscopic procedures on elbow
01742 humerus surgery
01744 humerus repair
01756 radical humerus surgery
01758 humeral lesion surgery
01760 elbow replacement
01770 upper arm artery surgery
01772 upper arm embolectomy
01780 upper arm vein surgery
01782 upper arm vein repair

01810 procedures on nerves, muscles, tendons, fascia and bursae of forearm, wrist and hand
01820 closed procedure on radius, ulna, wrist or hand bones
01829 dx wrist arthroscopy
01830 open or surgical arthroscopic procedure on distal radius, distal ulna, wrist, or hand joints
01832 total wrist replacement
01840 lower arm artery surgery
01842 lower arm embolectomy
01844 vascular shunt surgery
01850 lower arm vein surgery
01852 lower arm vein repair
01860 lower arm casting

Radiological Procedure
01916 dx arteriography
01920 catheterize heart
01922 cat or MRI scan
01924 anes, ther interven rad, art
01925 anes, ther interven rad, carotid
01926 anes, ther interven rad, hrt/cran arterv
01930 anes, ther interven rad, vei
01931 anes, ther interven rad, tip
01932 anes, ther interven rad, thoracic vein
01933 anes, ther interven rad, cran vein
01937 percutaneous image injection, drainage, aspiration spine or spinal cord; cervical or thoracic
01938 percutaneous image injection, drainage, aspiration spine or spinal cord; lumbar or sacral
01939 percutaneous image destruction procedure by neurolytic agent spine or spinal cord; cervical or thoracic
01940 percutaneous image destruction procedure by neurolytic agent spine or spinal cord; lumbar or sacral
01941 percutaneous image neuromodulation or intravertebral procedures spine or spinal cord; cervical or thoracic
01942 percutaneous image neuromodulation or intravertebral procedure spine or spinal cord; lumbar or sacral

01951 burn, less 4 percent
01952 burn, 4-9 percent
01953 each additional 9%

01958 antepartum manipul
01960 vaginal delivery
01961 cs delivery
01962 emer hysterectomy
01963 cesarean hysterectomy without any labor analgesia/anesthesia care
01965 incomplete or missed abortion
01966 induced abortion
01967 neuraxial labor analgesia/anesthesia for planned vaginal delivery
01968 cesarean delivery following neuraxial labor analgesia/anesthesia
01969 cesarean hysterectomy following neuraxial labor analgesia/anesthesia

Other Procedures
01990 physiological support for harvesting of organ(s) from brain-dead patient
01991 nerve block/inj
01992 n block/inj, prone
01996 daily hospital management of epidural or subarachnoid continuous drug administration
01999 unlisted anesth procedure


Bundled Services


CPT Code

Special anesthesia service


Anesthesia with hypothermia


Special anesthesia procedure


Emergency anesthesia


Anesthesia CPT Code Modifiers 



Healthy individual with minimal anesthesia risk.


Mild systemic disease.


Severe systemic disease with intermittent threat of morbidity or mortality.


Severe systemic illness with ongoing threat of morbidity or mortality.


Pre-morbid condition with high risk of demise unless procedural intervention is performed.





Anesthesia HCPCS Modifier – used to indicate certain deep, complex, complicated or markedly invasive surgical procedures. This modifier is to be applied to the following anesthesia CPT codes only: 00100, 00300, 00400, 00160, 00532 and 00920.


Anesthesia HCPCS Modifier – represents “a history of severe cardiopulmonary disease,” and should be utilized whenever the procedural list feels the need for MAC due to a history of advanced cardiopulmonary disease. The documentation of this clinical decision making process and the need for additional monitoring must be clearly documented in the medical record.


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